The Journal of Nutrition

Food Crop Diversity, Women’s Income-Earning Activities, and Distance to Markets in Relation to Maternal Dietary Quality in Tanzania

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Women's dietary diversity and quality are limited in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Nutrition-sensitive interventions that promote food crop diversity and women's access to income could improve diets and address the double burden of malnutrition in LMICs.


Markers of Environmental Enteric Dysfunction Are Associated with Poor Growth and Iron Status in Rural Ugandan Infants

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Environmental enteric dysfunction (EED), characterized by altered intestinal permeability/inflammation, microbial translocation, and systemic inflammation (SI), may be a significant contributor to micronutrient deficiencies and poor growth in infants from low-resource settings.


We examined associations among EED, SI, growth, and iron status at 6 mo of age.


Relatively Low Maternal Aflatoxin Exposure Is Associated with Small-for-Gestational-Age but Not with Other Birth Outcomes in a Prospective Birth Cohort Study of Nepalese Infants

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This study used maternal and newborn data from the AflaCohort Study, an ongoing birth cohort study in Banke, Nepal (= 1621). Data on aflatoxin B1(AFB1)-lysine adducts in maternal serum were collected once during pregnancy (at mean ± SD: 136 ± 43 d of gestation). Maternal serum AFB1-lysine adduct concentration was measured via HPLC.