Exploring Aflatoxin Prevention and Control Practices in Banke, Nepal
This poster details aflatoxin rates, control practices, and prevention practices in Banke, Nepal. Presented at Experimental Biology in 2017.
This poster details aflatoxin rates, control practices, and prevention practices in Banke, Nepal. Presented at Experimental Biology in 2017.
This poster details the protocol for the Aflacohort birth cohort study, conducted in Banke, Nepal. Presented at the 5th Annual Scientific Symposium in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Anemia through pregnancy is highly correlated with poor birth outcomes, especially low birth weight (LBW). The Nepal DHS 2011 reports prevalence of anemia in pregnant women at 48%.
Rates of weight gain in pregnancy are associated with infant weight for age, length for age and weight for length and are predictive of postnatal growth at 6 months of age. The study examines factors linked with low mid upper arm circumference (MUAC) in pregnant women in Banke Nepal.
Aflatoxins are harmful to animals and humans. Much is unknown about the determinants of aflatoxin exposure, and how specific agricultural practices may lead to, or help limit, food contamination and diet exposure. Based on prior studies, chronic consumption of aflatoxins may be a public health concern in Nepal.