Blakstad, Mia Monique

Food Crop Diversity, Women’s Income-Earning Activities, and Distance to Markets in Relation to Maternal Dietary Quality in Tanzania

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Women's dietary diversity and quality are limited in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Nutrition-sensitive interventions that promote food crop diversity and women's access to income could improve diets and address the double burden of malnutrition in LMICs.


The Relationship Between Dietary Diversity Among Women of Reproductive Age and Agricultural Diversity in Rural Tanzania

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Background: Agriculture can influence diets through consumption of home-produced foods or increased purchasing power derived from sale of agricultural commodities.

Objective: This article explores cross-sectional relationships between agricultural diversification and dietary diversity (a proxy for micronutrient adequacy) among women of reproductive age in rural Tanzania.

High levels of food insecurity were observed among HIV, TB, and HIV/TB co-infected outpatients in northern Uganda

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Food insecurity among individuals living with HIV is well-recognized globally. Since comorbidity with TB is common, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, we examined the variation in the severity of food insecurity among people with either infection or both concurrently.