Namirembe, Grace

Effective nutrition governance is correlated with better nutrition outcomes in Nepal

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Background: The public health burden of undernutrition remains heavy and widespread, especially in low-income countries like Nepal. While predictors of undernutrition are well documented, few studies have examined the effects of political will and quality of policy or program implementation on child growth.

Sustained intake of animal-sourced foods is associated with less stunting in young children

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The value of animal-sourced foods (ASFs) in providing key nutrients, particularly for child growth and where diets are of low quality, is understood mainly from cross-sectional assessment of current consumption. Longitudinal panel data from Nepal, Bangladesh and Uganda were used here to assess associations among previous (lagged) and contemporaneous ASF intake with linear growth of children aged 6–24 months.

Determinants of anemia among women and children in Nepal and Pakistan: An analysis of recent national survey data

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Anemia remains one of the most intractable public health challenges in South Asia. This paper analyzes individual-level and household-level determinants of anemia among children and women in Nepal and Pakistan.